
Our Business/Commissioned Work


Customer Business (system contents) Responsible Phase (Process) Environment/Language
Domestic P&C Insurance Company Road Service Call Center System Development ~ Testing ~ Maintenance AWS(OS:RockyLinux8 DB:MySQL8)
Language:PHP 8.1
Framework:CodeIgniter 3
Major house builder Smart House System Customer Information Management Function Requirement Definition ~ Design ~ Development ~ Testing ~ Maintenance AWS (OS: AmazonLinux 2023 DB: MySQL8)
Language: PHP 8.2
Framework: Laravel 10
Insurance Company Cell phone application development, business system development Requirement definition, detailed design ~ unit testing, operation and maintenance Kotlin, Java
Road Service Company System development for a road service company Requirement definition, detailed design ~ unit test, operation and maintenance PHP
Domestic P&C Insurance Company
Domestic Dealer
Foreign Dealer
Infrastructure construction/maintenance support Requirement definition and planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance Linux OS
Domestic P&C insurance company
Foreign P&C insurance company
Domestic car dealer
Foreign car dealer
Road service emergency call system development (server side) Development and system maintenance/operation PHP, AWS
Various companies expanding overseas Development of insurance procedure agency system From requirement definition onward, environment construction, operation and maintenance PHP, Linux
Foreign Motorcycle Dealer Development of insurance management system for a manufacturer Requirement Definition ~ System Testing, Operation and Maintenance Linux, PHP, MySQL
Domestic P&C insurance company
Domestic dealer
Foreign dealer
Web form acceptance and management system development Requirement definition ~ System testing, operation and maintenance Linux, PHP, MySQL
Domestic Damaged Goods Repair Company Damaged Goods Repair Management System Development Requirement Definition ~ System Testing, Operation and Maintenance Linux, PHP, MySQL