Plan E5: Synchronize content across servers

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plan E5 AWS Construction

Availability + Durability + Scalability, enabling robust content sharing

¥ 680,000 ~ (after a number N) 0 ¥ Initial cost

The prices shown do not include tax.

Build CloudFront.

Amazon Elastic File System (EFS).

Relational Database Service (RDS) is built in a Multi-AZ configuration.

The customer shall provide administrator rights to the console of the cloud service.

Backup configuration, installation of free certificates in the Application Load Balancer (ALB), HTTPS redirection, and display of maintenance pages are included in the fee.

Does not include fees for cloud services.

Does not include on-site work at the customer’s office, etc.

Our service is effective for the following problems

❶ I want to share content files uploaded by users between servers that automatically increase or decrease the number of cloud servers according to server load.

❷ To share static and dynamic content files between servers operated with spare equipment deployed as backup in case of system failure from normal operation.

Example of AWS configuration for this plan

*Configuration and settings may vary depending on your requirements.

AWS cloud VPC Availability Zone Availability Zone Public subnet Public subnet Public subnet Public subnet Application Load Balancer Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 CloudFront Amazon RDS EFS Amazon RDS Slave master Internet

AWS services used in this plan

Amazon EC2 (server environment) / Amazon EBS (block storage) / Application Load Bal ancer (load balancing) / Amazon RDS (managed relational database) / Amazon Elastic File System (network file system) File System) / Amazon CloudFront (Content Delivery Network)

The Plan’s construction items

Overall Design

Network design (segments, IP addresses, access control details, load balancing details)

Instance configuration specifications (instance size, disk space, accounts)

List of server instances and installed middleware


Launch instances provided by AWS (for server instances, use OS images provided by AWS)

Server instance: Until remote login is possible with one specific account

Load Balancing instance: up to balancing configuration

For Database instances: Up to administrator account access settings

VPC Configuration

Filtering settings

Up to the installation of specified middleware provided by the vendor as a standard package for the server instance.