
Our Business/Commissioned Work

Infrastructure Building

MUB offers flexible multi-vendor, multi-platform proposals to meet the diverse needs of our customers. From large scale infrastructures that require high availability to small and medium scale network designs that require cost savings, our staff has extensive experience in building high quality IT infrastructures.

Responding to diverse needs

MUB has achieved satisfactory results for the most challenging technical requirements of our clients through our highly experienced and specialized staff. Not only for technical requirements, but also for implementation in a “limited time” and “limited cost”, MUB’s flexible approach enables us to provide the most suitable proposal for our clients.

We always keep our antennae high for technological innovations.

IT technology is constantly evolving. As the origin of the word “mashup” suggests, we can provide “new services” that not only partially utilize technologies such as “cloud computing” and “virtualization,” but also flexibly link them together to realize your requirements.

About multi-vendor, multi-platform

MUB is an independent SI (SystemIntegration) company. We are good at free thinking and proposals that are not bound to a specific manufacturer, so we will select the most suitable equipment and platform to realize not only your technical requirements, but also your requirements for efficiency, including cost aspects.